
Thursday, December 13, 2012

My friend Tina. (:

She’s tall,funny,pretty,looks like her brother when she smiles,good netball player and creative.
I’ve known Tina ever sinces we were little. She has long curly hair that  likes to be done in a ponytail. She also loves to play rugby . It’s funny when she wants to try new things because most of the time she does the epic fail and makes us friends laugh .

people thinks she’s cheerful,crazy, A joker and weird and most of all LOUD.
Her nicknames are : Tina Minaj,Mum, Nana, giant and sometimes joker.
She really have makes the teachers laugh when they're not in a good mood.
She likes to joke around and sing whenever she wants.
Me and Tina may not be best friends but we love to hang around together .
I am lucky to still see her next year at Tamaki college .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012 (:

2012 was the last year I’ll be a point england student.This year I am a year 8 student and in a class of miss squires  room 20 . My highlights for this year are joining sports teams and trying out new things at camps .my faviourte sports I have been playing this year and through out the time in point England are netball and rugby.The best camp that I have attended was the year 8 camp and riverside. I don't think I'm going to forgot the epic fails I did trying out new things .

My goal for next year is to attend school more often and to try harder in my sports and learning and also be more like a good girl because it looks like i'm going to the same college as my sister and where my mum works.

Thanks teachers and coaches for helping me, I hope I have improved on something. (:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Seniors Sport rotation .


“Were you a leader on Monday for the Junior Sports Rotation ?” Mr Harris asked. me.
“Yes I was,” I replied.  
“Perhaps you’d better go to the hall then. Mr Burt will be needing you for the Senior Sports Rotation this morning.

Sprinting to the hall from the downpour of rain, I was excited to help by being a captain for the Matatua team 1. I had to take over from Tina because she didn't come in time. All team houses got split into 4 groups so they could challenge theirselves .

Matatua team 1’s first rotation was with Mr Jacobsen. We had to sit in the music room and watch our production 2010 which was called “The Toy Shop “ We saw some of the seniors when they were small. It made me smile a really big smile seeing them on the production. They looked cute! Sadly we didn’t get to watch it to the end because we had other fun activities to do.  I was sad that the rotations were such short times.

Before you knew it, it was time to go  back to the hall and watch P.E.N.N in our line of groups.  Watching P.E.N.N was a bit funny because Mrs Tele’a had put in a movie from when most of us were little!

It came to the time that we all had to tally the points. Most of the people I asked said they had less than 90 points. They thought I was cheating because my group had 120 so  I replied to them “It’s just because my group is cool like that”. After they were all totaled up Matatua had came 1st place. To be honest we couldn't have come 1st place without Mr Jacobsen giving out random points like the 500 he gave the other Matatua team!

Well I had an AWESOME DAY. I just hope we can do it again so us students can have fun. Also it gave the teachers a chance to kick back having a look around the junior school.  There were many activities to like and  I had fun meeting the year 5 & 6. THANKS MR BURT FOR THINKING ABOUT IT ! :))

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Senior sport rotation


“Were you a leader on Monday for the Junior Sports Rotation ?” Mr Harris asked. me.
“Yes I was,” I replied.  
“Perhaps you’d better go to the hall then. Mr Burt will be needing you for the Senior Sports Rotation this morning.

Sprinting to the hall from the pour of rain , I was excited to help be a captain for the Matatua team 1. I had to take over Tina because she didn't come in time. In the hall was gong to be a sport activity for the teams 4 and 5. All team houses got split into 4 groups.

Matatua team 1’s first rotation was with Mr Jacobsen. We had to sit in the music room and watch our production 2010 which was called “The Toy Shop “ We saw some of the seniors when they were small. It made me smile really big seeing them on the production. They looked cute! Sadly we didn’t get to watch it to the end because we had other fun activities to do.  I was also sad that the rotations were so short times.

I really had fun with the sport rotation but it needed to have more time in it . At the end of our rotation we had to go back to the hall and watch P.E.E.N in our line of groups.  Watching P.E.N.N was a bit funny because Mrs Tele’a had put in a movie from when most of us were little!

It came to the time that we all had to tally the points. Most of the people I asked said they had less than 90 points. They thought I was cheating because my group had 120 so  I replied to them “It’s just because my group is cool like that”.After they were all totaled up Matatua had came 1st place. To be honest we couldn't have come 1st place without Mr Jacobsen giving out random points like the 500 he gave the other Matatua team!

Well I had an AWESOME DAY. I just hope we can do it again so us students can have funAlso it gave the teachers a chance to kick back having a look around the junior school.  There were many activities to like and  I had fun meeting the juniors. THANKS MR BURT FOR THINKING ABOUT IT ! :))

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Neil Armstrong

Born on the 5th of august 1930 was an American hero who said “One small  step for a man,one giant leap for mankind” He said it when he was achieving his goal to be the first man to step on the moon , His name was Neil Armstrong.following his way  to earth been a hero.

mourns the loss of America Neil armstrong had sadly passed away on August 25th 2012,as we was in earth he didn't really like been a hero he liked to keep things to himself.He will never been forgotten and well always remember him as the first man to step onto the moon ! :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

During the last 3 weeks room 20 has been going to the life education caravan. For those who don’t know what it is it a education caravan where you find out how to look after yourself and what’s in your body.This time  for us year 7 and 8’s it was time to talk about how bad smoking and drinking is and how it affects your body.

Smoking makes you get addicted to it. It has some chemicals that are really bad for your body especially when you're already having health problems. The nicotine chemical makes you crave for more and more. Thats why I am going to tell some facts about smoking to try to persuade not to ever touch them.

Unfortunately at the ages of 14 and below there are kids who have started  smoking or drinking.  They think it makes themselves look cool or they want to blend in with their friends who smoke. But to me I think that it’s really not good.

If you ever start smoking sometime in your life you may get  addicted to it. A cigarette  may be small but contains about 4,000 chemicals, many of which are poisonous. Some of the worst ones are: Nicotine ,Arsenic, Methane, Ammonia, Cadmium, Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde, Butane, Hydrogen Cyanide. They are the same chemicals you find in odd places: deadly poison rat poison, component of rocket fuel, floor cleaner, things used in batteries, parts of car exhaust, something used to preserve body tissue, lighter fluid, and the poison used in gas chambers.

So every time you inhale cigarette smoke  you get more of a chance of dying at a young age from a cancer. Even if you try a little bit of smoking it stills attacks your lungs and other body parts.

For you smokers out there, you may not think about what might happens or how you will look in the future but it makes you really unfit.

One of my friend was really good at playing netball she even got picked for the reps. but unfortunately she had moved to college and hung around with some students who smoked. She decided to try it and now  these days she smokes everyday. I asked her if she still played netball. “No, “ she said,  “Because I'm not fit enough!”

SO if you haven't been thinking about stopping, you need to think really hard about how it affects your family and friends. Think about the cost. If you didn't need to buy those smokes  you could buy useul things with the money you save. Money that you could buy something like food ,clothes and other things. DON’T SMOKE!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The weightlifter

Arms trembling and muscle ripping you would see how prepared he was to his final lift”Yes there  he was mind focussed for the gold. Representing His country Precious Mackenzie was hungry for gold.
He was trying to balance the weight of the bar he was preparing mentally .