
Thursday, December 13, 2012

My friend Tina. (:

She’s tall,funny,pretty,looks like her brother when she smiles,good netball player and creative.
I’ve known Tina ever sinces we were little. She has long curly hair that  likes to be done in a ponytail. She also loves to play rugby . It’s funny when she wants to try new things because most of the time she does the epic fail and makes us friends laugh .

people thinks she’s cheerful,crazy, A joker and weird and most of all LOUD.
Her nicknames are : Tina Minaj,Mum, Nana, giant and sometimes joker.
She really have makes the teachers laugh when they're not in a good mood.
She likes to joke around and sing whenever she wants.
Me and Tina may not be best friends but we love to hang around together .
I am lucky to still see her next year at Tamaki college .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012 (:

2012 was the last year I’ll be a point england student.This year I am a year 8 student and in a class of miss squires  room 20 . My highlights for this year are joining sports teams and trying out new things at camps .my faviourte sports I have been playing this year and through out the time in point England are netball and rugby.The best camp that I have attended was the year 8 camp and riverside. I don't think I'm going to forgot the epic fails I did trying out new things .

My goal for next year is to attend school more often and to try harder in my sports and learning and also be more like a good girl because it looks like i'm going to the same college as my sister and where my mum works.

Thanks teachers and coaches for helping me, I hope I have improved on something. (: